“Try your luck on high bets, teen patti, andar bahar, baccarat, roulette and other casino games,” read the invitation. Three days before that, PC and SVM (acronym for Madhava Reddy) organised Casino Vegas at the same place, with celebrities like Mumaith Khan and Mallika Sherawat gracing the show. He can be seen in a procession in an open top jeep, surrounded by a group of bouncers in black uniform, his friends and fans bursting crackers, showering petals and felicitating him with huge garland.Ī video invitation posted by him detailing about a grand pool party organised by PC (acronym for Praveen Chikoti) and his associate Madhava Reddy at June 11 and 12 at Jhapa in Nepal witnessed who’s who of the Bollywood celebrities and popular models including Amisha Patel, Meghna Naidu and Scarlett Wilson. He has 16,600 followers on his social media platform.Ī video of Praveen’s 45th birthday celebrations held at Sama Saraswati Gardens posted on social media on July 13 shows his flamboyant life style. The same is also evident by his pictures and videos on his Instagram about the events that he has organised in the past. Owing to his high-profile personality in political, business and celebrity circles across the country, everything is open about Praveen.
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